Thursday, September 30, 2010

Morning fog

The east side grain elevators early morning yesterday. Taken with a Nikon D300 and a 17-55 2.8 lens. I was on the Iron Workers memorial bridge and it has a lot of vibration due to traffic; hard to take a sharp photo. 

Smoke Art

This was one stream of smoke, inverted, converted to black and white and mirrored:

Happy 50th birthday Cyborg!

The Man Who First Said "Cyborg," 50 Years Later - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Not terribly articulate, but he makes up for it by being obsessive and deranged.

Interesting thing on the radio

It relates to creativity and how it might not be a good thing to always associate with people who agree with you. The creative juices might flow a bit better if you take in alternate opinions from time to time:

My photo of the day for september 30, 2010

     This is looking south from the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge towards the rail yards and the PNE grounds. The tower near the top left is the 'Hellevator' The photo was taken at about seven thirty am and was almost the last shot I took before my shutter gave out... for the second time in six months. I can't say I'm too happy about it, but if Nikon gets the repair done within a week I'll be happy. The photo was taken with a 17-55 2.8 nikkor lens, 1/100 sec at f8. I'm hoping to get some better early morning fog shots in the near future. 

Hello Everyone!

Well this is my new blog. I'll be posting my thoughts from time to time but mostly I'll be posting photos from my travels and of things and people I find interesting. Feel free to comment on anything but be respectful please. This being the internet that may be too much to ask but I will be monitoring comments and I'll delete anything I find rude or offensive. Strong opinions are welcome, I only ask you stay on point.
Hope y'all like it.
Cheers, Pete